Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Where's Minnie?

You know when you have an animal on board that sooner or later that fretful day will arrive when you can't find Minnie ( or Fido or Fluffy or Max or other four legged furry). Our day has come.

How many places are there to look? The boat is only so big. There's not that many places so it's even scarier when the cat or dog is nowhere to be found. Then you figure out who will get in the dinghy and go searching while the other person keeps looking. Wait, wait, she's found in a place she's never been.

Behind the head door (door is on the right of the photo), behind the shower curtain, on a shelf, in a shower curtain basket.

It makes so much sense in after-thought. It's a basket, it's a shelf, and she's a cat. BUT she's never been seen there before. #stupidhuman..

Posted by Bette

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